De Praatclub met thema: How do you experience living in a culture different from your own?

Thursday 4 January 2024 | Bibliotheek Schilderswijk

Charge: Gratis

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On January 4 there will be a special edition of 'De Praatclub' in English, which has been organised by Isabel Tirado in Dutch since 2019.

In this non-binding Praatclub, topics will be discussed in a safe environment that you want to talk about but do not want to burden the other person with. Not everyone wants to be confronted. We all have certain feelings and thoughts and yet it is often taboo to express them. With the Praatclub I want to break through that silly unwritten rule and make human issues open for discussion. Why? Sharing enlightens.

The moderator ensures that everything runs smoothly.

There is a limit to participants, so register to be assureed of a seat at
Entrance is free

Location: Bibliotheek Schilderswijk
Address: Koningstraat 439, 2515 JL Den Haag
Time: 15:30 - 17:00
See also De Praatclub-page on LinkedIn.