How can I extend the loan period for my items?

Go to the library website. Log on with your customer number and password and go to ‘Mijn bibliotheek’. There you will see a list of the items you have borrowed and you may be able to extend the period for the title(s) you want to keep for a little while longer.

Restrictions on extending
You can extend the loan period for your items only twice. You cannot extend the loan period if your library card has been blocked. Nor can you extend if the title has been reserved by someone else.

Lending fee
Do you want to extend the loan period for more than one title?  You must do that for each item individually. If you want to extend the loan period for a title subject to a lending fee, then you will have to pay it again for the new loan period. The lending fee payable will be charged to your library card. You can check your balance by going to 'Mijn rekening' (my account). You can pay the fee when you are in the library.