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wo 15 jan Cursus Volksuniversiteit - Engels conversatie (B1/B2)
Vind je het soms vervelend dat je jezelf net niet goed kunt uitdrukken in het Engels? ‘Practice makes perfect!’ En dat is precies wat je in deze cursus gaat doen. Verschillende dagelijkse situaties en conversaties komen aan bod. Ook kun je zelf onderwerpen inbrengen.
wo 15 jan Cursus Volksuniversiteit - Engels conversatie (B1/B2)
Vind je het soms vervelend dat je jezelf net niet goed kunt uitdrukken in het Engels? ‘Practice makes perfect!’ En dat is precies wat je in deze cursus gaat doen. Verschillende dagelijkse situaties en conversaties komen aan bod. Ook kun je zelf onderwerpen inbrengen.
wo 29 jan ArtLab: Chinese New Year
Do you like to paint and write? Join us in the new year and learn how to do so in traditional Chinese style with ink, colored paint, and rice paper!
wo 05 feb ArtLab: Year of the Snake
Do you like to paint and write? Join us in the new year and learn how to do so in traditional Chinese style with ink, colored paint, and rice paper!
do 06 feb Rising Tides, Raising Voices: The Stories of Climate Change in the Dutch Caribbean
Discover how climate change impacts the Dutch Caribbean and how we can collectively raise awareness and take action! During this inspiring event, organized by De Jonge Klimaatbeweging and DCA (The Dutch Caribbean Association Rotterdam), we’ll focus on stories, science, and solutions.
wo 12 feb ArtLab: The Monkey King
Do you like to paint and write? Join us in the new year and learn how to do so in traditional Chinese style with ink, colored paint, and rice paper!
wo 19 feb ArtLab: Panda with bamboo
Do you like to paint and write? Join us in the new year and learn how to do so in traditional Chinese style with ink, colored paint, and rice paper!