Ashley Ramsden - Rumi, One Light.

Woensdag 13 december 2023, van 15:00 tot 15:30 | Centrale Bibliotheek, Rode Stip (begane grond)

Kosten: gratis

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A Celebration of Rumi's Life, Poetry and Stories with storyteller Ashley Ramsden.

750 years ago, the great teacher Jelaluddin Rumi stepped out of this world. He left behind a trail of light that continues to unite people of all beliefs: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there”. Come celebrate the enlightened wisdom and vision of a man who saw in his own time of darkness how the lamps may be different but the light the same.

Ashley Ramsden is the founder of the School of Storytelling (UK) and has performed all over the world. Ramsden’s telling of Dickens’ Christmas Carol is a festive favourite in The Hague for almost 20 years. 

The STET Storytelling Festival

The STET Storytelling Festival presents 4 storytelling masters curated by the Amsterdam Storytelling Festival. The festival this year will explore and deal with various interpretations of what freedom means, giving a special attention to the Festive Season and real, meaningful human connections. Join us for a heartfelt weekend with storytelling and music. 

The festival features performances byFernando Rodil, Ashley Ramsden and Leo, Aindrias de Staic, Danni Cullen, as well as Sahand Sahebdivani’s workshop. Read on for the full details of performers.

The STET Storytelling Festival

Storytelling Workshop

As part of the festival, Sahand Sahebdivani will give a storytelling workshop on December 16, 16:30 - 18:30. Later this month, Sahand will speak during de Langste nacht on December 20th at the Central Library.

Storytelling workshop Sahand Sahebdivani