Creative Writing Workshop: Non-Sense and Fragmented Writing

Zaterdag 29 juni 2024, van 13:30 tot 15:30 | Centrale bibliotheek, Lab B (3e verdieping)

Kosten: gratis

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Let go of your preconceived notions of writing

Join this creative writing workshop, led by Bad Penny Publications: The third of a series of six creative writing workshops, inspired by artists and their writing methods, to be held atthe Central library throughout the year .The workshop ‘Non-Sense and Fragmented Writing’ is inspired by artists who use the concept of non-sense and fragmentation as a method to produce experimental writing intheir art works. In this workshop we invite participants to let go of their preconceived notions of writing, and explore how we can create our own sense in ‘non-sense’. After ashort lecture introducing different artists who use these methods, we will use existing text, dismantling paragraphs and sentences to create our own word flows. Expect to cut outwords and letters from newspapers and books, as we create a collaborative nonsensicalfragmented poem together.


Bad Penny Publications

Bad Penny Publications is a platform that creates zines with artists from the Hague andthe wider community. We are an experimental writing and publishing platform that aims tocreate a new space for reflective writing - embracing tangents, conversation and notes asa constructive form of research and writing. Using methods of audio recordings ofconversations, gatherings and chat as content generation for the zine: A very spontaneousway of doing research through conversational techniques. Through our curation andmaking process of the zines, writing through workshops and reciprocal exercises, we aimto create a new artistic and creative writing community.