Creative writing workshop: Protest and the word

Vrijdag 29 maart 2024, van 17:30 tot 19:30 | Centrale Bibliotheek, Dok B (4th floor)

Kosten: gratis

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by Bad Penny Publications

Join this creative writing workshop, led by Bad Penny Publications: the first workshop of a series of six creative writing workshops, inspired by artists and their writing methods, to be held at the Central Library throughout the year.

The workshop ‘Protest and the word’ is inspired by artists who use found material, in the sense of collected quotes and writings from newspapers, books and social media, to comment on the current day stream of words and the overload of information. Information that can often become disinformation due to its vast amount and constant flow.

After a short lecture introducing different artists who use these methods, we will create and find abstract sentences together that harness the essence and nonsense of what collectively moves us. We invite participants to bring printable objects with them (clothing and anything made of fabric) that they would like to repurpose for creating written artworks.We will use different printing and textile painting techniques to upcycle these objects.

The workshop will be given in English however we invite participants to explore the workshop in their own chosen language. A Dutch workshop assistant will be present.


Bad Penny Publications

Bad Penny Publications is a platform that creates zines with artists from The Hague and the wider community. We are anexperimental writing and publishing platform that aims to create a new space for reflective writing - embracing tangents, conversation and notes as a constructive form of research and writing method. Using methods of audio recordings of conversations, gatherings and chat as content generation for the zine: A very spontaneous way of doing research through conversational techniques. Through our curation and making process of the zines, writing through workshops and reciprocal exercises, we aim to create a new artistic and creative writing community.