default den haag x 3345: listening concerts + talk on networked algorithmic music

Maandag 2 oktober 2023, van 18:00 tot 19:30 | Centrale Bibliotheek, Podium B (5th floor)

Kosten: Gratis

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3345 The Hague is teaming up with default den haag to host an intimate gathering at the top floor of our Central Library. default#9 x 3345 contains two intimate solo performances by computer music composers and sound artists Jia Liu (cn / de) and Shuoxin Tan (cn / de ).

There will be also an accompanying talk together with Li Song (cn / uk), with whom they form the network music ensemble [ _ _ _ ]*,  sharing the same interest in algorithmic acoustics and composition, SuperCollider and live coding. Can algorithms be collaborative?
Both in their solo-work and ensemble performances, they often play “unamplified’, using only laptop speakers or other small loudspeakers set-ups. With a different listening mode and sensitivity then most often associated with this realm of music, they bring a personal take on (collaborative) algorithmic computer music.
*this event is part of a two-day program that default den haag is hosting in the beginning of October. The ensemble [ _ _ _ ] (Shuoxin Tan, Jia Liu, Li Song ) will also play a special live performance at default#8, taking place in the Grey Space in the Middle on Sunday the 1st of October, the day before the listening event in the library. 


Doors 17:30, performances start at 18:00be on time!

The doors will stay closed during the performances.


More info about the two-day event


[ _ _ _ ]  (Shuoxin Tan, Jia Liu, Li Song)
“Three placeholders sitting in a room between empty spaces.” This is how the ensemble [ _ _ _ ] describes itself. It was founded in 2020 by the artists Li Song, Shuoxin Tan and Jia Liu, to compose music for the network. Li Song is a musician and computer programmer based in London. He composes music for computers and acoustic instruments. Shuoxin Tan was born in Beijing and works as a composer and sound artist in Cologne. She researches algorithmic acoustics, sound ontology and Lacanian topology. Jia Liu is a composer and computer music performer. She lives in Karlsruhe and is currently working on algorithmic music and composition for autonomous systems.

The three members share the same interest in algorithmic acoustics and composition, SuperCollider and live coding. Can algorithms be collaborative? What happens when the Borromean knot is applied to network structures for collaborative algorithmic composition?
Both in their solo-work and ensemble performances, they often play “unamplified’, using only laptop speakers or other small loudspeakers set-ups. With a different listening mode and sensitivity then most often associated with this realm of music, they bring a personal take on (collaborative) algorithmic computer music.


Shuoxin Tan

Shuoxin Tan, born in Beijing, now living and working as a freelance composer and sound artist in Cologne. She studies Epistemic Media at the Institute for Music and Media Düsseldorf with Julian Rohrhuber and Marcus Schmickler. Her research currently focuses on algorithmic acoustics and mathematical formalization. How to apply “purloined” theoretical knowledge into artistic practice is her curiosity.Influenced by Lacanian topology, namely the Borromean rings, she has founded the network-music ensemble and research group [ _ _ _ ] together with Jia Liu in Karlsruhe and Song Li in London. The ensemble started during the Covid lockdown in November 2020 and developed a collaborative algorithmic network-music performance system from scratch, adopting the programming language SuperCollider. Their research and practice embody the new form of computer music performance with theoretical thinking.
Her work has been released on labels such as Superpang, Infant Tree and Zoomin’ Night.


Jia Liu

Jia Liu is a composer and computer music performer based in Karlsruhe, Germany. She composes for acoustic instruments as well as electroacoustic music and other media. Since 2019, she has been programming and performing live computer music. Currently, she is focusing on algorithmic composition, music with autonomous systems and network-based collaboration. In 2021 she founded the network ensemble [ _ _ _ ] with Li Song and Shuoxin Tan. She studied composition and music informatics at the Conservatory of Music in Shanghai and at the University of Music Karlsruhe, at the Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology.
