Colonial Traces: poetry workshop and city walk

Saturday 1 June 2024, van 13:30 tot 16:30 | Centrale Bibliotheek | Dok B (4e verdieping)

Charge: gratis

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Experience the power of poetry and discover the colonial traces of The Hague during this poetry workshop, led by spoken word artist Nicchelle Buyne.

During our city walk, you will be able to learn about the colonial echoes that flow through The Hague’s streets. Get to know this important part of history and broaden your perspective as we explore the connections between Dutch colonial policy and the political capital of the Netherlands.

We collectively reflect on this painful heritage through a poetry workshop. Through language, we create space to express our ideas and feelings. There is no previous experience with poetry required to participate; the workshop is accessible to beginners. Join us in this interactive experience, and don't forget to wear comfortable shoes!

Practical information
The event is scheduled for Saturday, June 1st, from 13:30 to 16:30. It starts at the Central Library, then continues with a walk through the city center, concluding back at the library. Participation is free of charge, but you are kindly asked to reserve your spot via the link below, as space is limited. The maximum number of participants is 15.

Accessibility notes: The walk takes about 40 minutes. We pass various locations in the city center, some of which have limited access due to road works and uneven tiles. Noise is limited in the library; however, it can get quite loud on the streets of The Hague. So please keep that in mind if you are sensitive to stimuli like that.


There will be a second workshop, which will be conducted in Dutch. So, if you know Dutch, you can also join us on Saturday, June 15th. Click here to go to the event page: Colonial Traces: poëzieworkshop en stadswandeling.

Photo credits: Cheyenne Weerden.