Creative writing workshop: A confession

by Bad Penny Publications
Join this creative writing workshop, led by Bad Penny Publications: the second workshop of a series of six creativewriting workshops, inspired by artists and their writing methods, to be held at the Central library throughout the year.
The workshop ‘A confession’ is inspired by artists who use the confession, truth, and personal stories as a grounds toproduce written art works.These confessions often materialise as simple sentences. In this workshop we will discoverhow one can successfully minimise a whole paragraph, a whole story, to just a few words.
After a short lecture introducing different artists who use these methods, we will begin by creating short sentences and quotes that could bepersonal confessions, moving on later to creating larger collage pieces, with scraps of found materials. We inviteparticipants to bring with them any scraps of fabric/paper material that they would like to work with in creating theircollage. Some basic materials will be provided.
The workshop will be given in English however we invite participants toexplore the workshop in their own chosen language. A Dutch workshop assistant will be present.
Bad Penny Publications
Bad Penny Publications is a platform that creates zines with artists from the Hague and the wider community. We are anexperimental writing and publishing platform that aims to create a new space for reflective writing - embracing tangents,conversation and notes as a constructive form of research and writing method. Using methods of audio recordings ofconversations, gatherings and chat as content generation for the zine: A very spontaneous way of doing research through conversational techniques. Through our curation and making process of the zines, writing through workshops and reciprocalexercises, we aim to create a new artistic and creative writing community.