Direct Dutch workshop ‘Het diner’

Zondag 3 maart 2024, van 13:30 tot 15:30 | Centrale Bibliotheek, 4e verdieping, Dok B

Kosten: Gratis

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In gesprek over 'Het diner' met Direct Dutch.

De film Het Diner is gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek van de Nederlandse auteur Herman Koch uit 2009.
De broers Serge en Paul Lohmangaan gaan met hun echtgenotes Babette en Claire uit eten in een chique restaurant. Op het eerste oog lijkt er niets aan de hand, maar de sfeer is erg gespannen. Er is iets erg gebeurd waar de kinderen bij betrokken zijn. Wat is er precies gebeurd, wie weet wat, en wie durft er over te beginnen?

The film Het Diner (the dinner) is an adaptation of the book Het Diner written by Dutch author Herman Koch in 2009.
Brothers Serge and Paul Lohman and their wives Babette and Claire, go out for dinner in a classy restaurant. Everything seems normal, but the atmosphere is very tense. Something serious has happened and it involves their children. What exactly happened, who knows what, and who dares to talk about it?

Direct Dutch workshop

Our workshops are in Dutch and focus on typical Dutch subjects. In recent years, we have covered a diverse range of subjects, including the monarchy, politics, and Dutch water management. Our workshops provide opportunities for discussion, question-and-answer sessions, and interactive exercises. To fully grasp the content of the workshops, it is recommended to have at least an A2 level proficiency in Dutch.RegistrationParticipation in our events is completely free, registration is required. If you have trouble filling out the form, please send an email to

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